What are the standard dimensions of car park or garage

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We’ll look at the different sizes of parking spaces and garages for each type of vehicle: car, motorbike, scooter, motorhome and caravan. When you come to buy or even rent a parking space or garage, you’ll need to take a measuring tape or laser tape with you. Check the dimensions: it’s quick and cheap !

Standard dimensions for car parks and garages

Car parking spaces

car park dimensions european us compact
car park dimensions us standard
car park dimensions us standard large

Parallel parking space :

Width = 🇪🇺 European / 🇬🇧 U.K. : 2,44 meters ; 🇺🇸 U.S. Compact : 8 ft ; 🇺🇸 U.S. Standard : 8’6″ ; 🇺🇸 U.S. Standard Large : 9 ft
Length = 🇪🇺 European / 🇬🇧 U.K. : 4,88 meters ; 🇺🇸 U.S. Compact : 16 ft ; 🇺🇸 U.S. Standard : 18 ft ; 🇺🇸 U.S. Standard Large : 20 ft
Minimum height = 🇪🇺 European : 2,13 meters ; 🇺🇸 U.S. Compact : 7 ft.

European and U.S. Compact parking’s minimum width must be 2,44 m / 8ft with a minimum length of 4,88 m / 16 ft. U.S. Standard parking’s size : 8’6″ width and 18 ft length. U.S. Standard Large parking’s minimum dimensions is 9 ft width and 20 ft length.

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Space dimensions for motor homes and caravans

Caravan and motorhome parking dimensions :

Minimum width = 🇪🇺 European / 🇬🇧 U.K. : 2,30 meters ; 🇺🇸 U.S. Standard : 8 ft
Minimum length = 🇪🇺 European / 🇬🇧 U.K. : 5,30 meters ; 🇺🇸 U.S. Standard : 18 ft
Minimum height = 🇪🇺 European / 🇬🇧 U.K. : 2,60 meters ; 🇺🇸 U.S. Standard : 8,5 ft

dimensions parking camping car longueur
dimensions parking grand camping car longueur

There are 2 sizes of motorhome and caravan on the market. The standard size, with maximum dimensions of 2.30 meters wide by 6 meters long. In this case, a motorhome or caravan space must be at least 2.30 meters wide and at least 5.30 meters long. We recommend a length of 5.5 to 6 meters. The minimum height is 2.60 meters, although the recommended height is 2.80 meters.

Large motorhomes and caravans with dimensions ranging from 2.50 to 2.80 meters wide and a length of over 6 meters and up to 9 meters. In the latter case, the width of a parking space for a motorhome or caravan must be at least 2.50 meters for a minimum length of 6 meters. We recommend a maximum length of 8 meters.

Dividing a car space to accommodate motorbikes and boost performance

What a great idea for increasing the return on a parking space ! But be careful : you can’t make any changes to a parking space without the written agreement of your co-ownership association… To find out more about this strategy, which involves dividing up a parking space to boost your rental income, read the investor’s strategy.

Boxer parking voiture pour motos

💡 Did you know : a well-designed parking space can accommodate up to 4 motorbikes or two-wheelers. Join our club to find out more about this tip for boosting your rental return.

Car park rental, split the rental of your space

Another way of boosting your return is to split the time you rent out your parking space. Find a tenant who comes to work in your area, and the space will be taken during office hours ; for the night, opt for a neighbour… The result : one space for 2 tenants ! But be careful, in this case, your lease must be beyond reproach : use our split lease template.

Christophe revenus immobilier

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