Investing in a parking space in concession, emphyteutic lease

parking en concession amodiation

Profit : 💰💰⚫️⚫️⚫️ | Risk : 🔴🔴⚫️⚫️⚫️ | Discover other strategies by joining the club !

When looking to invest your money, you need to explore all avenues. In the field of investment in parking, we have not yet discussed the purchase of a parking space in a concession. We are going to take the example of the number 1 parking lot concessionaire but also present you the feedback of small owners.

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How to succeed in overcoming the crisis linked to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) ?

préparer les sortie de crise Covi-19

We are currently experiencing an unprecedented global crisis. The coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, is disrupting our lives and causing the global economy to collapse. We must all pay tribute to the medical personnel who do extraordinary work every day.

It’s sad to say but our club has never been so busy. You have understood that this is the right time to invest ! It’s a good thing that the team members work in the office at home and some of us are on short-time work. This allows us to answer and correct the exercises in our training modules. Training courses to buy your first car parks and boost your rental yields have never seen such activity before. What a pleasure it is to see the achievement badges light up in our member tracking board. Congratulations to the motivated members, you will be a hit when the crisis is over !

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Investing : big city versus small town

Big city vs Small town

Making a first investment in one or more parking spaces requires a precise study of prices and the geolocation of the spaces. CIPG’s investors discussed whether it would be better to invest in parking lots in big city or in small town. Here are some answers to help you.

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Opportunity to become real estate annuitant

simulation rentabilite lot de garages

Becoming a real estate annuitant is the dream of many people. Today we present you with a set of garages that can allow you to drop your work ! The package presented to you offers the possibility of generating $ 5 000 in gross income per month. With a gross income of $ 60 000 per year, there is enough to stop working and live comfortably on your pensions.

The ratio between total gross income and net income is interesting because the expenses are low. Discover the profitability study of this lot of garages and became maybe a real estate annuitant.

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How to estimate the sale price or rent of a car park ?

Knowing how to estimate the sale price or the rent of your car park is very important, but for this reason a few parameters are important. Indeed, each car park has its own specificities, which complicates the estimation and makes the study difficult. This step is essential to have a good positioning on the market in order to find the right tenant or buyer.

It is necessary to define the specificities and the advantages of your location :

You must understand that the price depends on the market, more precisely on local supply and demand. This differs according to the particularities or characteristics of the site to be rented or sold.

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Anna invests in a motorcycle parking lot in a big city

Photo parking moto à Paris

I have finally acquired my 12 spaces for two-wheeled vehicles. Ideally located in a big city district, in the basement of a building guarded and placed under telesurveillance.

Congratulations Anna, tell us about your acquisition

It all started while I was browsing through the classified ads. I saw a classified ad that had just been published about this lot of twelve parking spaces for two wheels. Interested, I contacted the owner to visit the property and the next day, I got an appointment to visit it. The visit went well. I liked the pitches, the neighborhood as well and I thought there was a possibility to do something good with this parking lot. So after some calculations and some time to think about it, I made a proposal to the owner. We managed to come to an agreement.

And on Monday, I signed the purchase of my parking spaces. However, I would like to share with you an interesting experience that took place at the notary’s office. I visited this parking lot in March and committed myself to purchase it ; by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt from the owner at the beginning of April in accordance with the instructions of the notary. On Monday 15 June, I went to the notary’s office to sign the sale. At the time of the signature, the notary turned to my seller with whom I had had a very cordial relationship for months and said to him “let’s start with the things that annoy !”. My seller immediately says “yes, by the way ; I don’t want to pay for this bill because I won’t benefit from it”. I want the buyer to pay”. Needless to say, at the time I didn’t understand what was going on.

In fact, it is electrical work voted by the trustee of the building in which my sites are located. These works have been voted since the month of March, my owner was therefore. Of course, aware of all this and was careful not to let me know and waited until the last moment because he had no choice but to let me know that the owners would each have the modest sum of $ 2,500 to give for these works. On the day of the signing, he tried to do everything he could to make me pay this salty bill.

What argument did you put forth for not paying

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The crazy project of some members of the club

Entrepôt sur Coutouvre 42

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You too will know how to invest well !

Warren Buffett

The name Warren Buffett certainly doesn’t ring a bell. Did you know that at more than 80 years old he is known and recognized as the biggest investor on our planet? We are going to present you his method to help you better invest on a daily basis.

warren buffett

The man of a thousand accomplishments

In his personal professional life, everything works out for this businessman and investor of American origin who is nicknamed “the oracle of Omaha”. He has been one of the richest men in the world since the beginning of the 21st century. The most cited example is the purchase of his family home. Purchased $ 31,500 in 1958, it is estimated today at more than $ 265,000. The advantage of real estate is that the value of a property will change over time according to several parameters, it is a bit the same with parking lots and garages some will increase in value and others will not. His company Berkshire Hathaway after 50 years is now worth billions of dollars. Mr. Buffett is involved in the finances of very large, world-renowned companies (Coca-Cola, IBM, American Express, Apple, etc.).

A method within the reach of any contractor

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