The only self-help community specialising in the property niche, bringing together
parking spaces, garages, cellars, storage rooms, factories, commercial premises and walls !

Why the CIPG club ?

It all began in 2012, when Christophe made a property investment by buying a number of parking spaces. He needed advice, but he didn’t want to pay an exorbitant price for training
without being sure of getting a result. A series of interesting meetings led him to create the Collectif Parking Garage in 2013, which later became the CIPG club : the platform for exchanges with the tools he would have liked to have had at the time !

We founded the CIPG club with the aim of helping private individuals to invest in a profitable property niche, while supporting them in their day-to-day rental management. Our ambition is to help you make the right choices and manage your rentals while boosting your property portfolio with : car parks, garages, cellars, storerooms, lock-ups, warehouses, sheds, furniture storage units, factories, containers, craft premises, commercial premises, shops, commercial walls and offices.

Who’s hiding behind the club, discover our team

The CIPG club was founded on 5 January 2013 by Christophe MARTIN. The aim of the club is to help private individuals and companies to invest in the property niche, which includes car parks, garages, cellars, storage rooms, warehouses, sheds, furniture storage, factories, premises, commercial walls, offices, etc…

We provide support for first-time buyers and are developing a community of owners who are free from industry professionals. It’s based on a totally unique concept: helping each other and sharing experiences thanks to the different professional backgrounds of our members (law, finance, commerce, industry, etc.). Everyone’s experience and motivated opinions are important for moving forward, exchanging ideas and learning from each other.

A single owner will never have enough perspective to deal with every situation… It’s the exchange and sharing of experience that is our real strength. A good investment, whether in property or finance, must be profitable if you are to achieve your objectives. My aim is to provide you with food for thought to help you invest. I invite you to keep a critical eye so that you can make the best decision for your personal situation !

Christophe cipg club
Christopher, CIPG club founder.

CIPG club is made up of a small team of 7 volunteers. We are all salaried employees of companies and we animate the life of the club during our free time, in our spare time. The real estate niche has become a real passion for the team. Disappointed by the false promises, the expensive real estate trainings and the good talkers… We decided to create our own exchange platform to accompany individuals and exchange on our passion. Why give time to the club ? This question comes up very often, each member of the team will tell you that the experience gained by helping others allows you to capitalize for yourself. You want to join the team, contact us !

Success stories from some members of the community

Christopher is a founding member of the Car Park and Garage Investors Club (CIPG or Cipg club), a sales engineer in his thirties who came to the car park niche by chance after a bad experience with residential rental property. He began investing in car parks in 2012 with the purchase of a plot of 5 parking spaces. A jack-of-all-trades who loves to diversify his investments, he has since bought a number of garages, taken out a long lease and set up a real estate non-trading company. He has acquired a warehouse and launched a storage business for furniture, motorhomes, caravans and classic vehicles.

Membre fondateur CIPG

Oliver, who studied engineering and completed an MBA abroad, is now a property trader. He has been involved in the Paris property market for around twenty years, having started out with flats and, in particular, maids’ rooms. He bought his first plot of 5 car parks 7 years ago. Following this first successful investment in car parks, he has increased his investments in car parks, concentrating on basement locations in the Paris region. Car parks represent a diversification strategy that enables him to leverage credit by buying lots. He particularly appreciates the high yield, the lack of work involved, the lower risk of non-payment and the fact that car park prices are not correlated with house prices.

Well hidden behind the pseudonym Invest, this head of several companies is an outstanding entrepreneur. Initially specialising in the purchase of companies in difficulty, he has diversified his activities by multiplying companies to become a major owner of industrial and commercial premises. At the head of a veritable property empire, he does our club proud by sharing his experiences, both good and bad. He admits to taking pleasure in giving advice and posting his opinions on the exchange platform. A little harsh in his comments, he knows how to open the eyes of members who are heading in the wrong direction.


Nicolas is a highly experienced investor. A former sales manager, he has become the owner of more than fifty garages over the years. Now a coach for property investors, he is also the author of the French best-selling book “Investing in car parks and parking spaces – practical guide”. He regularly organises conferences and debates to advise and help investors get started.

Christian is a cash buyer of garage lots. A true enthusiast, Christian is a large owner who has been making a living from the property niche for years. His business model is simple: he buys up lots of garages, carries out improvement work through his companies and finally collects the rent or sells the lot to an investor. If you’re in difficulty or have a garage for sale, he’ll be happy to buy it from you !



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Club life

Bilan annuel, résultats

Year in review 2023

Find out what the club manager had to say about the past year and the plans for 2023. Read more…

Bilan annuel, résultats

Year in review 2022

Find out what the club manager had to say about the past year and the plans for 2023. Read more…

Bilan annuel, résultats

Year in review 2021

Find out what the club manager had to say about the past year and the plans for 2022. Read more…

Bilan annuel, résultats

Year in review 2020

Find out what the club manager had to say about the past year and the plans for 2021. Read more…

Bilan annuel, résultats

Year in review 2019

Find out what the club manager had to say about the past year and the plans for 2020. Read more…