Guide to using our logos

How use our logos ?

Insert a space around our logos without modifying them :

espace pour preserver les logos

In order to protect the integrity and recognition of our collective, it is important that the logo not be in direct contact with other graphic elements. It is advisable to imagine an invisible box around the logo with an inner margin equal to the width of the letter a in Arial font, bold font and size 50. Colours, typographies, shapes and styles must never be modified. The resizing of the logo must always be homothetic and without any degree of inclination.

The logos you can use to talk about us :

Logo Communaute d'investisseur dans les parking et garage
Official’s logo
Light’s logo
logo blog CIPG
Blog’s logo
logo forum CIPG
Forum’s logo
webinaire visio conférence
Video-conferencing’s logo
logo parking a la maison
Ads logo